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Are you ready to create transformational retreats? 

Jeej! Good for you, I am happy that you are joining the realm of creating these magical experiences for people where they can escape from daily life and really recharge and get inspired! The retreat space is upcoming so now is the time. Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed? Not knowing where to start with your retreat planning or you simply do not have the time to figure it all out yourself? Let me help you!

Signature retreat guiding program
Do you want to level up in your business and add retreats to your current offer? Have you been thinking about hosting retreats for a long time but have not gotten to starting the organization? Maybe you have already organized a retreat but it was not succesful? Or maybe you have started planning your retreat and you have a vision but you are a bit stuck on what steps to take next? You are just looking for an expert that you can ask all your questions and can hold you accountable?

Retreats can be a truly magical and transformational experience for your clients.
And it can be a bit overwhelming. Believe me I have been there too. Not knowing where to start, setting my prices too low, overplanning the itinerary, trying to do everything at once because there are a lot of steps to take. I've learned so much while organizing retreats so I am here to help you with yours. Don't try to invent the wheel again but use my guidance to organize that dream retreat.

I offer a 1:1 coaching program where in 4 months time I guide you through all the steps of organizing a retreat. Completely personalized to your needs. You organize it yourself but I help you to get structure, clarity and have all kinds of templates already available for you that I use myself too. From defining your ideal client and creating a concept that fits, to budgeting, finding a location, marketing and de adminitrational side. I am there to help you through each step, guide you, give you accountability and answer your questions. Together we create a step-by-step effortless plan that is created especially for your concept and vision and that leads to your profitable DREAM retreat you have been wanting to organize!

Are you excited about this signature program? Book a free clarity call with me (no commitments!) through the button to discover if you might be a fit for the program.

Retreat check-in call
Are you already planning your retreat and just want to have a check-in to ask all your questions and maybe get some guidance on a few specific topics? You can book a single 1:1 retreat consult of 1 hour where we go through your plan.  I can help you to sort out the last bits or your retreat organization in order to make your retreat a succes.

Investment: 150 euro per hour excl VAT (21%)

What clients say about my coaching
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